Topic: Animal Experimentaion

Is animal testing the most ethical option for drug discovery and development?

 Animal experimentations, also known as vivisection, should be outlawed due to alternative solutions, unreliable test results in humans, and most importantly animal rights.

Why Animal Testing?
 I chose animal testing because I care about what is done to animals and how they should be treated. They deserve a lot more than they receive. I try to put my self in their shoes, and honestly who would want to be treated the way they are? As humans we like to feel respected so I don't see why they wouldn't want the same for themselves. When it comes to groceries I try to check the labels to see if they were animal tested or not, doing this helps me not feel as guilty for the way we treat animals.

I would like my opinion to be seen by the young ones who might agree with animal testing, or who has no opinion over the problem. These are the people that I would like to see my topic, because they could be the ones to create a better solution and possibly end animal testing.


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